Monday, 6 December 2010

Hey, Blondie!

A Happy Birthday to Eli Wallach, born 7th December 1915 and 95 today.

You can read about him here

And see a recent interview here:

I thought I might have forgotten how to work this blogger, but I haven't, surprisingly.


Louis Barfe said...

Welcome home, welcome. Come on home, and close the door.

Piley said...

95? cant be bad! Still got those 2 buck teeth i see!

office pest said...

You seek to honour me with a Peters & Lee song LFB? Shocking.

Yes Piley, in good shape more or less, and still working as well. This year he has roles in that new Wall Street film, and also Roman Polanski's Ghost Writer, both of which I have yet to see.

I've recently bought EW's biography off Amazon for a couple of quid and it is a very good read.